Yoga and Productivity
More and more studies show a strong correlation between meditation, yoga and productivity
levels. As most yogis will attest to, the practice of creating space between your thoughts can
change the way you live your life. In making an effort to give the brain a break, it allows the bybn
mind to let go and recharge – meaning that it has more availability for daily tasks.
We all know the feeling of having so much on our plate that it feels like none of it will ever get
finished. When we have a practice like yoga that grounds us and gives us time to be present by
moving the body, it can move us from the flight-or-fight stress response to the parasympathetic
nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system, which holds flight-or-fight, hampers
productivity by spiking stress hormone levels. This wreaks havoc on the body’s systems as well
as its mental capacity. After taking time to breathe, meditate and practice yoga, the mind has
moved into the parasympathetic nervous system where the body can rest and digest. Creating
new neuropathways to decrease the stress response, mindfulness practices like meditation and
yoga create physical changes that make living our lives easier and more productive.
One study measured the effects of mindfulness practice on multitasking in a high-stress
environment. The research found that participants who had practiced that day had a much
easier time shifting between different tasks. Their work was clearer while their minds were
much more at ease, even in a tense atmosphere. Those who had not practiced mindfulness in
the morning had a more difficult time focusing and switching between tasks without
Studies like these also highlight the relationship between stress and disease. In fight-or-flight,
where most people spend the majority of their time, the brain releases cortisol to maintain
alertness while inflaming the rest of the body. When you set aside time to come out of this
state and practice activities like meditation or yoga, the brain relaxes enough to stop releasing
these chemicals. Once the mind has let go, it can think more freely without hindrance from
stress hormones. Also, since inflammation is the central health issue of our time, curbing this
response in the body can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, autoimmune issues,
diabetes and much more.
All of these benefits culminate with a happier, more relaxed and productive workplace. Sarah
Aschenbrenner with Rexnord Corporation describes their experience with providing yoga
classes for their employees at Empower Yoga.
“We have been offering yoga classes to our associates at Rexnord for many years; most recently
we have partnered with Empower Yoga because they stand for everything that yoga should be.
We want to provide a safe place for our associates to practice that is inclusive, fun and
accessible for all levels. We feel it is important to provide tools that help with stress and health
management since stress is directly linked to so many health issues. This investment in our
associates also adds to our overall benefits package, helping Rexnord stay competitive as an
employer. Since offering fitness classes is not a traditional manufacturing company benefit, it is
a great opportunity to appeal to millennials. Last, we have noticed the way it benefits the
community within the company, which directly benefits work relationships. Those who do yoga
together tend to work nicely together!”
Yoga and meditation affect our experience in so many ways beyond what the eye can see.
Reaching beyond our physical bodies, these mindfulness practices can improve areas of our
lives we didn’t even realize. By adding yoga and meditation to your wellness routine, you can
connect more easily with yourself while feeling more relaxed in the flow of your life. Each of
these leads to a less cluttered headspace and, in turn, a more productive, effective lifestyle.
Written by Paige Pichler
Empower Yoga offers discounts for businesses to purchase yoga classes for their employees. As low as $5 per class. Contact us via email at [email protected] to set up a business wellness account or for more information.
More and more studies show a strong correlation between meditation, yoga and productivity
levels. As most yogis will attest to, the practice of creating space between your thoughts can
change the way you live your life. In making an effort to give the brain a break, it allows the bybn
mind to let go and recharge – meaning that it has more availability for daily tasks.
We all know the feeling of having so much on our plate that it feels like none of it will ever get
finished. When we have a practice like yoga that grounds us and gives us time to be present by
moving the body, it can move us from the flight-or-fight stress response to the parasympathetic
nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system, which holds flight-or-fight, hampers
productivity by spiking stress hormone levels. This wreaks havoc on the body’s systems as well
as its mental capacity. After taking time to breathe, meditate and practice yoga, the mind has
moved into the parasympathetic nervous system where the body can rest and digest. Creating
new neuropathways to decrease the stress response, mindfulness practices like meditation and
yoga create physical changes that make living our lives easier and more productive.
One study measured the effects of mindfulness practice on multitasking in a high-stress
environment. The research found that participants who had practiced that day had a much
easier time shifting between different tasks. Their work was clearer while their minds were
much more at ease, even in a tense atmosphere. Those who had not practiced mindfulness in
the morning had a more difficult time focusing and switching between tasks without
Studies like these also highlight the relationship between stress and disease. In fight-or-flight,
where most people spend the majority of their time, the brain releases cortisol to maintain
alertness while inflaming the rest of the body. When you set aside time to come out of this
state and practice activities like meditation or yoga, the brain relaxes enough to stop releasing
these chemicals. Once the mind has let go, it can think more freely without hindrance from
stress hormones. Also, since inflammation is the central health issue of our time, curbing this
response in the body can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, autoimmune issues,
diabetes and much more.
All of these benefits culminate with a happier, more relaxed and productive workplace. Sarah
Aschenbrenner with Rexnord Corporation describes their experience with providing yoga
classes for their employees at Empower Yoga.
“We have been offering yoga classes to our associates at Rexnord for many years; most recently
we have partnered with Empower Yoga because they stand for everything that yoga should be.
We want to provide a safe place for our associates to practice that is inclusive, fun and
accessible for all levels. We feel it is important to provide tools that help with stress and health
management since stress is directly linked to so many health issues. This investment in our
associates also adds to our overall benefits package, helping Rexnord stay competitive as an
employer. Since offering fitness classes is not a traditional manufacturing company benefit, it is
a great opportunity to appeal to millennials. Last, we have noticed the way it benefits the
community within the company, which directly benefits work relationships. Those who do yoga
together tend to work nicely together!”
Yoga and meditation affect our experience in so many ways beyond what the eye can see.
Reaching beyond our physical bodies, these mindfulness practices can improve areas of our
lives we didn’t even realize. By adding yoga and meditation to your wellness routine, you can
connect more easily with yourself while feeling more relaxed in the flow of your life. Each of
these leads to a less cluttered headspace and, in turn, a more productive, effective lifestyle.
Written by Paige Pichler
Empower Yoga offers discounts for businesses to purchase yoga classes for their employees. As low as $5 per class. Contact us via email at [email protected] to set up a business wellness account or for more information.